I have a section called Services. I have another section called Case Studies.

For each Case Study I want to show which service is being used so I add an entry field and choose the right service. On my case study I can see that the service is showing as it should.

On the Service page I want to see which case studies are being associated with the Service.

  • Can you expand your question slightly to explain what you are viewing and what you are trying to show? It sounds like you're trying to show a field from one entry on another entry's page? You also mention that you are already showing A on X? Commented Jun 13, 2016 at 8:59
  • Ok, say I have a section called Services. I have another section called Case Studies. For each Case Study I want to show which service is being used so I add an entry field and choose the right service. On my case study I can see that the service is showing as it should. All good til there. But I want that on the Service page I can see which case studies are being associated with this Service. Commented Jun 13, 2016 at 9:01

1 Answer 1


So your Case Study has a field called services which is an entry relation. You show the services on that Case Study page using

// entry is the current Case Study
{% set related_services = craft.entries.section( 'services' ).relatedTo( entry ) %}

To show all Case Studies that are related to a Service you can use the same entries query.

// entry is the current Service
{% set related_case_studies = craft.entries.section( 'caseStudies' ).relatedTo( entry ) %}

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