My question is re: localization of ElementTypes in a plugin. I have the records all working fine in multiple locales.
The part that I'm not "getting" is I think there should be one Element in craft_elements
and then for each localization, there should be one record in craft_elements_i18n
yes? And then for each localization, there should be a separate record in my craft_seomatic_meta
table for each localized version yes?
This is where in my controller it saves the ElementType:
And here is the function is calls in my service to save the element & record:
When I call $result = craft()->elements->getElementById($metaId, 'Seomatic_Meta', $locale);
how does it "know" which record to look up to load the returned Seomatic_MetaElementType
with data?
I'm clearly missing something basic regarding how this should all work