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Questions tagged [reroute]

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Craft 3 redirect of existing and non-existing URLs

I'm upgrading a relatively large, but low budget, local government website from Craft 2 to Craft 3. The major remaining pain point is a replacement for the Craft 2 Reroute plugin, which is not ...
Jack McKenzie's user avatar
1 vote
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Make entry in nav not clickable and reroute

I have an entry that acts as a parent to several children pages. Trying to make so that particular parent isn't clickable AND reroutes to homepage if address url is accessed. Not sure if I can work ...
frshjb373's user avatar
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5 votes
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What's the most efficient way to handle a redirect of the home page?

I dont't currently need a home page on the personal site I'm working on but I want to be able to keep the option open in the future. I currently have {% redirect 'portfolio' %} as the only code on ...
Stuart McCoy's user avatar