Is there a way to delete an entry's assets when the entry is deleted? We're going to end up with a lot of orphaned assets.

Or is this not a feature because an asset can be shared between entries? Thus requiring me to write a plugin to tie into the onDeleteEntry event (Where and how should you listen for entry delete in plugin?)?

2 Answers 2


Or is this not a feature because an asset can be shared between entries?


A plugin is way to go if that's the behavior you're looking for.


This is how I did it:

  1. In my custom plugin, in its init function, I use the following statement to hook into the before delete event:

    craft()->on('elements.onBeforeDeleteElements', array($this, 'beforeDeleteElements'));
  2. In the same custom plugin, in the beforeDeleteElements function mentioned in step 1, I examine the passed in event, and determine if the entry type being deleted is the entry type I am interested in, if so, I use the following function to find the related assets and then delete them:

    protected function deleteRelatedImages(EntryModel $entry)
        $criteria            = craft()->elements->getCriteria(ElementType::Asset);
        $criteria->relatedTo = $entry;
        $assets              = $criteria->find();
        if (!$assets) {
        foreach ($assets as $asset) {
            $sourceType = $asset->getSource()->getSourceType();

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