I have a few different forms on my site for different kinds of enquiries, each represented by an Entry Type
with different fields in a single Enquiries
channel. How can I get the entries/saveEntry form to save as a specific entry type?
My existing form:
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="guestEntries/saveEntry">
<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="/hire-us/get-a-quote/success">
<input type="hidden" name="sectionId" value="61">
I have two entry types in that channel, ID 111 and 112. When I add the line:
<input type="hidden" name="typeId" value="111">
then submit the form, I get an error message saying "Unable to find the template 'hire-us/enquiryPlanningEvent'". It appears that Craft is looking for a template named after the entry type I'm trying to save, but obviously there isn't one. What's the solution to this?
field is expecting a value (i.e. not set automatically), and I submit the form without setting a title, then it redirects me to a template with the same handle as the Entry Type I was trying to submit to (regardless of theredirect
value). Bug?