I'm writing a plugin. I'd like it so that a request to view the page is processed via a Controller rather than goes straight to a template (following an MVC pattern).
So a GET request to the URL of the plugin calls a Controller method, which makes an API call and then displays a template.
Is this possible in CraftCMS? Can plugins have their own routes file? (I'm used to Laravel)
This is what I've tried so far:
public function init(): void
// Register an event for handling custom routes
function(RegisterUrlRulesEvent $event) {
$event->rules[] = [
'pattern' => 'my-amazing-plugin-yeah',
'route' => 'my-amazing-plugin-yeah/my-controller/my-action',
'verb' => ['GET'], // Specify GET as the allowed HTTP method
I would expect this to break once admin/my-amazing-plugin-yeah
was called in the browser, but it's displaying index.php correctly.