I added the table plugin to my Redactor field. In the redactor field I can now include a table (see image below).
Upon saving the Redactor field, the table content is converted into text and put inside
tags (see image below).
This is what my settings for the Redactor field look like:
"buttons": ["formatting", "link", "ul", "ol", "bold","html"],
"formatting": ["h2", "h3", "h4"],
"linkNewTab": true,
"toolbarFixed": true,
"pasteBlockTags" : ["h2", "h3", "h4", "p", "ul", "ol", "li", "br", "table", "td", "tr"],
"imageResizable" : true,
"plugins": ["table", "alignment"]
How do I make the Redactor field not strip those table tags and render the table correctly?