Hello — been reading up on how to do this and there are some posts for Craft 2, 3 — but I'm not sure what's out there works for Craft CMS 4. I am using the following JS to delete an entry. However I get an error in the console log that http://website.com/actions/entries/deleteEntry can't be found. What am I doing wrong?

$('#delete-entry').click(function() {
    window.csrfTokenName = "{{ craft.app.config.general.csrfTokenName|e('js') }}";
    window.csrfTokenValue = "{{ craft.app.request.csrfToken|e('js') }}";

    var data = {
        entryId: '{{entry.id}}',
        csrfTokenName: csrfTokenValue,

  $.post('/actions/entries/deleteEntry', data, function(response) {
      console.log('clickResponse', response);
    }, 'json');


2 Answers 2


The delete action has moved to the ElementsController class in Craft 4, specifically:

Updating your code as follows should work.

    var data = {
        elementId: '{{entry.id}}',
        csrfTokenName: csrfTokenValue,

    $.post('/actions/elements/delete', data, function(response) {
        console.log('clickResponse', response);
    }, 'json');
  • Amazing thank you! — pointed me in the right direction!
    – Adrian
    Commented Jul 28, 2022 at 15:19

Thanks to @Ben and folks on Discord — here is some form code that also works:

<form method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    {{ csrfInput() }}
    {{ actionInput('elements/delete') }}
    {{ redirectInput('/dashboard') }}
    {{ hiddenInput('elementId', entry.id) }}
    <button value="delete" type="submit">Delete</button>

Here is a version that uses JS:

Link to delete:

<a href="#" id="delete-entry-{{entry.id}}" onclick="deleteEntry('{{entry.id}}','{{entry.title}}')">Delete Entry</a>

JS Code:

    function deleteEntry(entryId,entryTitle) {
        var data = {
            elementId: entryId,
            sectionId: 1,
            {{ craft.app.config.general.csrfTokenName|e('js') }}: '{{ craft.app.request.csrfToken|e('js') }}',
        let confirmAction = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete the job titled '"+entryTitle+"'");
        if (confirmAction) {
            $.post('actions/elements/delete', data, function(response) {
                console.log('clickResponse', response);
            }, 'json')
        } else {
            //Action Canceled.          

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