Consider the following Craft 3 example module structure:


...and consider the following action in ExampleController.php:

public function actionExampleRoute()
    die('in example-route action');

Assuming everything is set up and configured correctly, is this the correct URL for triggering the action in ExampleController.php?


If so, this is not working for me; it instead results in a 404/Template not found error. I'm not sure if I misunderstand how to determine the correct URL or if I set up something incorrectly.

I am working with the example provided here and I believe I have followed the instructions correctly. The instructions include a simple test of the module, and the test succeeds--I'm just not able to get the controller action to work as expected.

3 Answers 3


It depends on the module handle you chose in config/app.php (the module handle is the key affected to your module in the modules array).

If you want the URL to be /business-logic/example/example-route, the module key must be business-logic:

use modules\businesslogic\BusinessLogic;

return [
    'modules' => [
        'business-logic' => BusinessLogic::class,
    'bootstrap' => [

The cause of the issue turned out to be an incorrect controllerNamespace reference in the Business Logic Template example. If anyone else is using the example project to jumpstart a Craft module, be aware of the following:

In that example, the ExampleController.php controller specifies this namespace...

namespace modules\businesslogic\controllers;

...but BusinessLogic.php sets the controllerNameSpace like this, (note that it's missing modules\)...

// Adjust controller namespace for console requests
if (Craft::$app->getRequest()->getIsConsoleRequest()) {
    $this->controllerNamespace = 'businesslogic\\console\\controllers';

...it worked for me after I changed it to match the ExampleController namespace, (note the addition of modules\ as well as handling both console and web requests)...

// Adjust controller namespace for console requests
if (Craft::$app->getRequest()->getIsConsoleRequest()) {
    $this->controllerNamespace = 'modules\\businesslogic\\console\\controllers';
} else {
    $this->controllerNamespace = 'modules\\businesslogic\\controllers';


To answer my own original question, the correct way to call the module action is:


Note that /actions precedes the module/controller/action portion of the URL, and that the controller and action are kebab-cased. As @nstCactus points out, the module is the module handle defined in config/app.php.


Whenever I'm using controllers for direct URL access (e.g. from JavaScript via an XHR or fetch request), I've accessed them using a query string rather than relying on rewritten URLs. So, like this:


If the controller method is intended to be triggered from a form submit, you can just use the actionInput Twig function:

<form method="post">
   {{ actionInput('business-logic/example/example-route') }}

   {# Some form input fields here... #}

    <button type="submit">

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