I have an old craft 2 installation. When I want to go to the frontend I get:
mkdir(): Permission denied
745 {
746 if ($permissions == null)
747 {
748 $permissions = craft()->config->get('defaultFolderPermissions');
749 }
751 $path = static::normalizePathSeparators($path);
753 if (!static::folderExists($path, false, $suppressErrors))
754 {
755 $oldumask = $suppressErrors ? @umask(0) : umask(0);
757 if ($suppressErrors ? !@mkdir($path, $permissions, true) : !mkdir($path, $permissions, true))
758 {
759 Craft::log('Tried to create a folder at '.$path.', but could not.', LogLevel::Error);
760 return false;
761 }
763 // Because setting permission with mkdir is a crapshoot.
764 $suppressErrors ? @chmod($path, $permissions) : chmod($path, $permissions);
765 $suppressErrors ? @umask($oldumask) : umask($oldumask);
766 return new Folder($path);
767 }
769 Craft::log('Tried to create a folder at '.$path.', but the folder already exists.', LogLevel::Warning);
Where can I read out the folder which has no permission? I've set recursive chmod 777 on all files in the project (yes I know). But this doesn't change anything.
It is on a local MAMP Pro install. Nothing is showing in any logs.
But the Control Panel is working fine.
I also tried to change the user in mamp. As suggested on discord. But that does nothing.