"Personally I'd just use the 'select all' checkbox at the top of entries and delete them all at once."
That's what I've been doing - deleting all entries in the system. I've always thought that by deleting entries in the system it would clean the database.
But when looking in the database there is so much information that is still saved even though everything is deleted in the system.
Now I have a database that is over 300mb, with old content in Matrix columns, craft_elements and more.
This is what I've done so far:
- In craft_elements I deleted all rows with type LIKE "Entry".
- Emptied all my matrix tables.
Because I cleaned all entries from the craft_elements I also removed the single section entries. By saving those sections again the entries where created.
The database have gone from 318mb to 16mb. The system seems to be working great now and I hope it will be in the future :)