I don't know if it was with Craft 3.5, but did something change slightly when using the EVENT_BEFORE_SAVE event?
I have a simple use case where I am encoding the entry ID and updating the slug when the entry is saved. It does check if a title is empty and if the entry is a draft or revision, if any of those are true, then it does not encode it.
After updating from Craft 3.4.30 to Craft 3.5.5 when saving an entry I have noticed that it throws an error as $entry->id returns null, however on refreshing the page and then resaving it, it passes the entry ID in fine.
A basic example of what I have is:
function (ModelEvent $event) {
$entry = $event->sender;
if (ElementHelper::isDraftOrRevision($entry)) {
return false;
// Get entry title
$title = $entry->title;
if ($title !== null) {
// Encode entry ID
$newSlug = Module::$instance->hashid->encode($entry->id);
// Update slug to be a hash
$entry->slug = $newSlug;
Before hand this worked fine when creating the entry, but now it is requiring me to have to save the entries twice, any thoughts?
wouldn't have been set yet (because it hasn't been saved yet) and it doesn't look like your code is taking that into account. Are you sure that's not what you're seeing?