We're currently logging our site at LEVEL_INFO to have a good idea of what's happening on the site. We find it useful, and appropriate, to log informational messages at that level rather than at ERROR or WARNING. However most of these INFO messages are drowned out by the sheer volume of SQL query logging. I did some digging and found that Yii DB Connections can be configured to not log all the queries.
This setting is then checked here: https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/blob/bdb7c6491061b48c16b0fdbcba791ccd514a91d9/framework/db/Command.php#L1112
Ideally we'd like to be able to log queries at the TRACE or DEBUG level but it doesn't look to be possible.
Is there a simple way to disable the logging in the craft config? If not Would it be possible by extending an existing Craft class?
Any pointers or help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!