As this tip (Twitter) suggested we can use type hints for Twig in PHPStorm after installing Symfony Support plugin by utilizing its PHPTypes feature, for example putting:
{# @var craft \craft\web\twig\variables\CraftVariable #}
at the top of a template would auto-complete all properties and methods in
for us.
Type hints for plugins?
How could we get auto-completion for plugin variables?
Let's have a look at the Imager plugin. It is accessible via craft.imager
. If I put
{# @var imager \aelvan\imager\variables\ImagerVariable #}
at the top of the template the IDE actually auto-completes for me when I type
, however this obviously throws an error because Craft expects
. But the IDE doesn't autocomplete
I also tried
{# @var craft.imager \aelvan\imager\variables\ImagerVariable #}
which is not working.
Ugly workaround
If I put craft.imager
into a local variable the auto-completion is working:
{# @var imager \aelvan\imager\variables\ImagerVariable #}
{% set imager = craft.imager %}
{% imager.transformedImage(...) %}
Any hints? hahaha