I need some help with syntax on this for Craft 3, please.
I want to use this piece of code:
{% set fruitEntries = craft.entries.relatedTo({ relatedTo: catP,id: 'and, not '~str }) %}
from this answer here:
How to get entries related to current category only (not children)
It's exactly what I need to do but I'm not sure how to code it for Craft 3 so that I can pull in entries from JUST my 'products' section:
Thanks in advance.
Category Group = Products
Entry Sections using these categories = Products & Case Studies
My category structure is as follows:
Categories are:
- Travelling Irrigators
- Superseeded Models
- Hydrants
- Filters
- Pontoons
- Pumps
I'm trying to return just the product entries (not case studies) under 'Travelling Irrigators' but not including the 'Superseeded Models'.
The other post does exactly what I need but it returns the case studies too.