I have to build a custom plugin for an internal user management system/data export that needs to be able to get triggered from the CP.

I basically have to sort a big amount of users (1500+) in a specific plugin tab in the Control Panel. The sorting is done via Vue/JS. When I am done sorting the users I need to be able to trigger and save a field (a string I will enter in the CP Tab) for all of those users in the same order as it was sorted in the CP.

For now, I have simply sent an array of User Ids to my plugin controller via post request:

public function actionSubmitRef()
    $request = \Craft::$app->getRequest();

    $userIds = $request->getParam( 'userIds' );
    $refNumber = $request->getParam( 'refNumber' );

    $response = [
        'userIds' => $userIds,
        'refNumber' => $refNumber,

    WFWPlugin::getInstance()->saveNewReferenceNumber( $userIds, $refNumber );

    return $this->asJson( $response );

The controller passes the array of Ids and the string to save to a function that saves the string to each user:

public function saveNewReferenceNumber( $userIds, $refNumber )
    $i = 0;

    foreach ( $userIds as $userId ) {
        $i ++;
        $user         = Craft::$app->users->getUserById( $userId );
        $tableValue   = $user->getFieldValue( 'aktionsRefNumber' );
        $tableValue[] = [
            'col0' => $refNumber . '-' . $i,

        $user->setFieldValue( 'aktionsRefNumber', $tableValue );
        $success = Craft::$app->getElements()->saveElement( $user );

        if ( ! $success ) {
            Craft::error( 'Couldn’t save the entry "' . $user . '"', __METHOD__ );

The problem is that with this huge amount of save requests, PHP either times out or it simply can't be processed. I end up with having a max of 40 saved uses with the right value in the field.

How could i solve the issue? I have recently asked the question in the discord dev channel and using a console command has been suggested, but since the users need to be sorted in the CP, the string has to manually be entered and then triggered via a button, I couldn't get it to work.

Another approach was to push each save request into a yii2 job queue but that didn't help either...

Thanks for the help, much appreciated!

1 Answer 1


For such large amounts of operations it's best to use a Job. You should only make sure to batch your results and don't fetch every user separately.

use Craft;
use craft\base\Element;
use craft\db\QueryAbortedException;
use craft\elements\User;
use craft\helpers\App;
use craft\queue\BaseJob;
use yii\base\Exception;

class ResaveUsers extends BaseJob
    // Properties
    // =========================================================================

     * @var int[] The user Ids
    public $userIds;

     * @var string the reference number
    public $refNumber;

    // Public Methods
    // =========================================================================

     * execute
     * @param \craft\queue\QueueInterface|\yii\queue\Queue $queue
     * @throws \Throwable
     * @throws \craft\errors\ElementNotFoundException
     * @throws \yii\base\Exception
     * @author Robin Schambach
     * @since  07.05.2019
    public function execute($queue)
        $query = User::find()->id($this->userIds);

        $totalElements = $query->count();
        $currentElement = 0;

        $elements = \Craft::$app->getElements();

        try {
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($query->each() as $user) {
                $i ++;
                $this->setProgress($queue, $currentElement++ / $totalElements);

                $tableValue   = $user->getFieldValue( 'aktionsRefNumber' );
                $tableValue[] = [
                    'col0' => $this->refNumber . '-' . $i,
                $user->setFieldValue( 'aktionsRefNumber', $tableValue );

                /** @var Element $element */
                if (!$elements->saveElement($user)) {
                    throw new Exception('Couldn’t save element ' . $user->id . ' (' . get_class($user) . ') due to validation errors.');
        } catch (QueryAbortedException $e) {
            // Fail silently

    // Protected Methods
    // =========================================================================

     * @inheritdoc
    protected function defaultDescription(): string
        return Craft::t('app', 'Resaving {class} elements', [
            'class' => App::humanizeClass(User::class)

You can start your job with

Craft::$app->getQueue()->push(new ResaveUsers([
     'userIds' => [1,2,4,5,6],
     'refNumber' => 'foobar'
  • as always on point ...thanks robin
    – HendrikEng
    Commented May 7, 2019 at 7:51

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