I've set up the routing for a specific URL in my plugin to trigger the actionIndex controller method. I after logging a message to the Craft logs, I want to return the rendered twig file as the view, which is supposed to look just like an empty Control Panel page. Pretty simple in theory.
Everything in the twig file seems to render just fine (text & images) except for the CSS.
Controller: Controller.php
class Controller extends \craft\web\Controller
public function actionIndex(){
Craft::info("hello!", __METHOD__);
return Craft::$app->getView()->renderTemplate('plugin/done');
Template: done.twig
{% extends "_layouts/cp" %}
{% set title = "Manual Sync"|t('plugin') %}
{% block content %}
<p>Manual Sync Done.</p>
{% endblock %}
I've attached a screenshot of the elements that are rendered on the page.
Hopefully that is enough for someone to help bounce some ideas around with me. Any advice and suggestions would be greatly appreciated!