My current site is with Wordpress in the folder /blog
. My new Craft install is in a sibling folder /craft
. When i try to load
, i get the wordpress 404. Must be an .htaccess
issue, right? Can't figure out or find the solution anywhere.
1 Answer
Wordpress’ .htaccess file and Craft’s .htaccess file both use the same strategy: If the request is not pointing to a valid file or folder, rather than have Apache respond with a 404, re-route the request to index.php.
It sounds to me like you’ve got a .htaccess fie at your web root which is handling Wordpress’ index.php redirect, and that is taking precedence over Craft’s for whatever reason.
Since your Wordpress install lives within /blog/, you should move that Wordpress .htaccess file to /blog/.htaccess, so it’s only affecting blog/* requests. (You’ll also need to tweak it a bit; post the file’s contents if you need help with that.) Or another option is you could add this condition it, before the RewriteRule line:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/blog [NC]
Likewise, Craft’s .htaccess file should live at /craft/.htaccess (no modification will be necessary as the one Craft ships with already accounts for the possibility that it’s within a subfolder), or a similar RewriteCond
line could be added to it if you really want to keep all your redirects in one place at /.htaccess.
. Have you configured your index.php with the proper craft path?$craftPath = '../craft';
? Might want to reread installation docs. And yes, could also be an htaccess issue.