I've got a directory download feature running on the Printmaker Plugin, that's including some odd spaces and blank pages. Live example at: https://correctionstocollegeca.org/directory-download. Everything is great until the last couple pages, where entries get spaced out one per page, and the last page is blank. Any ideas for fixing the spacing?

{% set html %}
            <link href="https://correctionstocollegeca.org/css/doc.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
            <img src="https://correctionstocollegeca.org/assets/globals/ctcca-logo.png" style="width: 200px;">
            <h1 style="line-height:0.8;margin-top:8px;">{{ entry.displayTitle }}</h1>

            {% if craft.request.getParam('type') is not null %}

                        {# Get search parameters from the URL query string #}
                        {% set query = craft.request.getParam('type') %}

                        {# Start an array of search parameters (relationParam) with 'and' to match ALL categories #}
                        {% set relationParam = ['and'] %}

                        {# Find categories that match the slugs in your query string... #}
                        {% for querySlug in query %}
                                {% set category = craft.categories.group('programTypes').slug(querySlug) %}

                                {# And merge them into the relationParam array. #}
                                {% set relationParam = relationParam|merge([{ targetElement: category }]) %}
                        {% endfor %}

                        {# Avoid passing an array with `['and']` only #}
                        {% if relationParam|length < 2 %}
                            {% set relationParam = '' %}
                        {% endif %}

                        {% set searchParams = {
                            relatedTo:  relationParam,
                            section: 'colleges'
                        } %}

                        {# Find your entries #}
                        {% set programs = craft.entries(searchParams).order('title') %}    

                {% elseif craft.request.getParam('facility') is not null %}

                        {% set query = craft.entries.slug(craft.request.getParam('facility')) %}
                        {% set programs =  craft.entries.section('colleges').relatedTo(query).order('title') %}
                        {% set indicatorQuery = craft.request.getParam('facility') %}

                {% elseif craft.request.getParam('keyword') is not null %}

                        {% set query = craft.request.getParam('keyword') %}
                        {% set programs =  craft.entries.section('colleges').search(query).order('score') %}

                {% elseif craft.request.getParam('featured') is not null %}

                        {% set featured = craft.request.getParam('featured') %}
                        {% set featuredPrograms =  craft.entries.id(featured) %}
                        {% set programs = craft.entries.section('colleges').order('title').id('and, not ' ~ featured | join(', not '))%}

                {% elseif craft.request.getParam('featuredFacility') is not null %}

                        {% set featuredFacility = craft.entries.slug(craft.request.getParam('featuredFacility')) %}
                        {% set featuredPrograms =  craft.entries.section('colleges').relatedTo(featuredFacility).order('title') %}
                        {% set featuredIds = featuredPrograms.ids() %}
                        {% set programs = craft.entries.section('colleges').order('title').id('and, not ' ~ featuredIds | join(', not ')) %}

                {% else %}

                        {% set programs = craft.entries.section('colleges').order('title') %}

                {% endif %}

                <!-- Query Indicator -->
                {% set queryString = craft.request.getQueryString() %}
                {% if craft.request.getParam('type') is not null %}
                        This is a subset of the full directory filtered to show only
                        {% if query|length == 1 %}
                            {% for slug in query %}
                                {% for indicator in craft.categories.slug(slug) %}
                                    {{ indicator.title|lower }}s.
                                {% endfor %}
                            {% endfor %}
                        {% elseif  queryString == "p=directory-download&type%5B%5D=prison-program&type%5B%5D=jail-program" %}
                            prison and jail programs.
                        {% elseif  queryString == "p=directory-download&type%5B%5D=prison-program&type%5B%5D=campus-program" %}
                            prison and campus programs.
                        {% elseif  queryString == "p=directory-download&type%5B%5D=prison-program&type%5B%5D=jail-program&type%5B%5D=campus-program" %}
                            prison, jail and campus programs.
                        {% elseif  queryString == "p=directory-download&type%5B%5D=jail-program&type%5B%5D=campus-program" %}
                            jail and campus programs.
                        {% endif %}
                    </p>{{ entry.sortedDirectoryExplanation }}

                {% elseif craft.request.getParam('keyword') is not null %}
                        This is a subset of the full directory filtered by 
                            <span class="label filter-label">the keyword: "{{ query }}."</span>
                    </p>{{ entry.sortedDirectoryExplanation }}

                {% elseif craft.request.getParam('facility') is not null %}
                        This is a subset of the full directory showing only programs operating in
                        {% for slug in indicatorQuery %}
                            {% for indicator in craft.entries.slug(slug) %}
                                <span class="label filter-label">{{ indicator.title }}.</span>
                            {% endfor %}
                        {% endfor %}
                    </p>{{ entry.sortedDirectoryExplanation }}

                {% endif %}<!-- /Query Indicator -->

            <table style="table-layout: fixed; width:100%;" >
                {% for program in programs %}
                        <td colspan="3" style="width:33%;border:1px solid #bbb;padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;" valign="top">
                            <h2>{{ program.displayTitle }}<span class="no-wrap">
                                {% for type in program.programTypes %}
                                    {% if type.slug == 'prison-program' %}
                                        <img src="https://correctionstocollegeca.org/assets/globals/p-symbol.png" style="width:18px;margin-right:5px;">
                                    {% elseif type.slug == 'jail-program' %}
                                        <img src="https://correctionstocollegeca.org/assets/globals/j-symbol.png" style="width:18px;margin-right:5px;">
                                    {% elseif type.slug == 'campus-program' %}
                                        <img src="https://correctionstocollegeca.org/assets/globals/c-symbol.png" style="width:18px;margin-right:5px;">
                                    {% endif %}
                                {% endfor %}</span>
                            <p class="directory-location">{{ program.programLocation }}</p>
                            {% if ( program.programWebsite | length ) or ( program.programFacebook| length ) %}
                                <p class="directory-links">{% if program.programWebsite|length %}<a href="//{{ program.programWebsite }}">{{ program.programWebsite }}</a>{% endif %}{% if ( program.programWebsite | length ) and ( program.programFacebook| length ) %} | {% endif %}{% if program.programFacebook|length %}<a href="{{ program.programFacebook }}">facebook</a>{% endif %}</p>
                            {% endif %}
                            <table style="table-layout: fixed; width:100%;">
                                    <td style="width: 33%;" valign="top">
                                        <p style="font-size:14px;margin-bottom:-2px;"><b>Operating In</b></p>
                                        {{ program.operatingIn }}
                                    <td style="width: 33%;" valign="top">
                                        <p style="font-size:14px;margin-bottom:-2px;"><b>Programs Offered</b></p>
                                        {{ program.programsOffered }}
                                    <td style="width: 33%;word-break:break-all; word-wrap:break-word;" valign="top">
                                        <p style="font-size:14px;margin-bottom:-2px;"><b>Contacts</b></p>
                                        {{ program.programContacts }}
                {% endfor %}
{% endset %}
{% set settings = { 
    orientation : 'portrait' 
} %}

{% set pdf = craft.printmaker.pdfFromHtml(html, settings) %}

{{ pdf.output }}

3 Answers 3


I have a hunch the issues you're seeing with the extra spacing and blank pages on your website are being caused by the indentation and new lines (after the </body> tag for example) in your template.

One way I think you could solve that is wrapping your html code in a Twig spaceless tag:

{% set html %}

  {% spaceless %}



  {% endspaceless %}

{% endset %}

{% set settings = { 
  orientation : 'portrait' 
} %}

{% set pdf = craft.printmaker.pdfFromHtml(html, settings) %}

{{ pdf.output }}

Any extra whitespace between the html tags inside that {% spaceless %} tag is going to be removed in the final product and you don't have to sacrifice code indenting in your template to accomplish it 👍

Hopefully that helps, let me know how it goes!

  • Thanks Jalen! But unfortunately no, the spaceless tag didn't change anything in the output. I also tried minifying the whole template, also to no effect.
    – Clay Kilby
    Commented Jul 27, 2018 at 20:04
  • Just figured it out! There was an unnecessary <br> just inside the end of the for loop. Getting rid of that fixed things right up!
    – Clay Kilby
    Commented Jul 27, 2018 at 20:06
  • @ClayKilby ah wonderful! Yeah I figured it had something to do with some whitespace being added somewhere 👌
    – Jalen Davenport
    Commented Jul 27, 2018 at 20:27
  • @ClayKilby Great that you figured it out. You should add an answer to this question with an explanation of the fix, and mark it as the correct answer – this would be helpful for other people who might struggle with the same issue in the future. Commented Jul 28, 2018 at 13:52

It's very difficult to give a "canonical" answer to this issue, without actually playing around with the code, because it could be a combination of things that produce the unwanted spaces and page breaks.

But I've experienced similar problems, and in my case I solved it by some careful use of different CSS page-break properties. Your mileage may vary, though.


It turns out there was an extra br tag inside the loop. I had intended to use it to add a short space between each entry, but instead they collected at the end of the document and created the long unwanted spacing. Removing that tag fixed it right up!

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