I apologize if this has been asked or addressed already, but I have a question concerning Element Queries. The docs show two possible ways:

Chained Methods

{% set query = craft.entries()
    .limit(10) %}

Batch-set Parameters

{% set query = craft.entries({
    section: 'news',
    limit: 10
}) %}

The examples shown above (from the docs) obviously accomplish the exact same thing--but what is the difference, if any?

It is my assumption that the batch-set way of querying elements allows for more options, is that true? And does either way have an effect on performance?

1 Answer 1



The first way creates an object of type EntryQuery, you then call the 2 functions section and limit

In PHP you would do the following:

$query = Entry::find()->section('news')->limit(10);

The second creates an array section => 'news', 'limit' => 10 you then call Yii2::configure($query, $array) with your EntryQuery which does:

public static function configure($object, $properties)
    foreach ($properties as $name => $value) {
        $object->$name = $value;

    return $object;

Thus you don't call functions but define the properties directly. In PHP it would look like

$query = Entry::find();
Craft::configure($query, ['section' => 'news', 'limit' => 10]);


Because of the above it's important what you do. The first way calls functions the second way calls properties.

As for your comparison the first way is a little bit faster because you didn't attach functions that requires the use of magic methods => __call (in the ElementQueryBehavior) as soon as you search/filter for custom fields the Craft::configure way will always be a little bit faster because it can set the values directly instead of using the resource heavy __call function

For example:

// faster
$query = Entry::find()

// slower
$query = Entry::find();
Craft::configure($query, [
    'section' => 'news', 
    'limit' => 10


// slower
$query = Entry::find()

// faster
$query = Entry::find();
Craft::configure($query, [
    'section' => 'news',
    'limit' => 10,
    'multiselect' => 'test',
    'subline' => 'foo'


Keep in mind when I say "slower" or "faster" I'm talking about a few milliseconds (when I run the last example 1000 times its 511ms vs 497ms) so in the end it does not really matter. If it's really important in terms of speed: as soon as you use the __call method because you need to change properties in the ElementQueryBehavior you would prefer to use Craft::configure.

Besides that: there is absolutely no difference between those two.. There are no hidden "benefits" you don't have more options, you can't do something "better"

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