It's easy to know if a product has a valid Sale applied to it with product.defaultVariant.onSale - but how do you know which Sales are being applied to the product? How do you output that the product is currently part of a specific named sale, and any associated content you might want to show?
2 Answers
The real answer is:
{% for sale in variant.sales %}
{% sale.description %}
{% endfor %}
Thanks Luke; that's not something I could find in the docs for either the product or sale documentation pages. I tried to check again just but the Commerce site has been offline all day. Commented Feb 23, 2018 at 14:44
1@LukeHolder how does this work in Commerce 3, I get: Calling unknown method: craft\commerce\elements\Variant::salesApplied()– Green17Commented May 20, 2021 at 12:46
This shows ALL sales that are applied. Some sales override previous sales, and these sales are still displayed. Is there a possibility to only see the sales that are really applied?– outline4Commented Nov 16, 2021 at 11:44
Thanks to Mike Pepper on the Slack chat, this is the answer. A bit disappointing that we need to go through hoops like this, but it works.
{% set productSales = [] %}
{% set allSales = craft.commerce.getSales() %}
{% for sale in allSales if in sale.productIds or product.typeId in sale.productTypeIds %}
{% set productSales = productSales|merge([sale]) %}
{% endfor %}
{% for sale in productSales if product.defaultVariant.onSale %}
<div class="sale">
<p><b>{{ }}</b> - {{ sale.description }}</p>
{% endfor %}