Recently new to Craft and Twig although I have used Expression Engine in the past. I am looking for a way to update a for loop that is pulling entries from a defined category based on the current entry/page category by using a dropdown list with all categories available.
Entries: Vehicles
Categories: Truck, Suv, Compact, Economy
Fields: Color, numofDoors, passangers, gasmileage
Example of code:
{% set related = craft.entries.section('vehicles').relatedTo(entryVehicleCategories%}
{% for vehicle in related %}
{% if related|length %}
<p>Number of doors:{{vehicle.numofdoors}}</p>
{% else %}
<h2>No content</h2>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<form action="{{ url('search/results') }}">
<select name="vehicle-search" placeholder="Search">
<option value="Truck">Truck</option>
<option value="Suv"> Suv </option>
<option value="Compact"> Compact </option>
<option value="Economy"> Economy </option>
<input type="submit" value="Go">
Upon form submit I am hoping I can change/set related to something new.
Example: Current loop is looping and showing all related truck entries.
Action wanted: User selects suv and div reloads suv entries on page without reloading page.