Is there a straightforward way of saving the input of two form fields when a form is submitted from the front end and reusing it in another form?
One field is a select2 field (Users) which can contain multiple users and the other is a number field (Log ID).
The current workflow is that a user fills out a form and it's submitted to the database. It's very likely that he will need to fill out additional forms immediately afterwards and two of the fields he inputed (Users and Log ID Number) in the first form are the same in the second form.
The workflow that came to mind was whether after first form submission, I could append the Users and Log ID into the url query string and then have them available to prepopulate in the additional forms. Perhaps on a successful form submission page, I could have a button to allow the user to submit another form and if clicked, it goes to the new form page and grabs the url query string values and enters the info in the two fields.
Totally open to other ways of seeing this too so feel free to throw your thoughts out there.
Thanks! Lori