I would like to edit custom Lightswitch field value to true inside of event on order save

          $order = $event->params["order"];
              'ediCheck' => true,

              'ediCheck' => true,

Tried following but the value still stays the same.

Also If there is an documentation file on following that I maybe missed would also be helpful.

1 Answer 1


That looks right, but I think you may need to set the value of that field to '1' - looking in the craft_content table, it seems switches are stored as 0 and 1.

      $order = $event->params["order"];
          'ediCheck' => 1,

If that still doesn't work, try throwing in a craft()->commerce_orders->saveOrder($order); at the end of your function. It shouldn't be needed though as it should fall through to the saveOrder it's going to do anyway....

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