I used to connect to my database over SSL by directly modifying the createDbConnection method in Craft's AppBehavior.php:

$dbConnection = new DbConnection();

$dbConnection->connectionString = $this->_processConnectionString();
$dbConnection->emulatePrepare   = true;
$dbConnection->username         = craft()->config->get('user', ConfigFile::Db);
$dbConnection->password         = craft()->config->get('password', ConfigFile::Db);
$dbConnection->charset          = craft()->config->get('charset', ConfigFile::Db);
$dbConnection->tablePrefix      = $dbConnection->getNormalizedTablePrefix();
$dbConnection->driverMap        = array('mysql' => 'Craft\MysqlSchema');

// additional attributes to connect over SSL
if (getenv('DB_SSL_ENABLED') == 'true') 
    $dbConnection->attributes   = array(
        PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA     => CRAFT_CONFIG_PATH . 'rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem',


But as of a new Craft release there is a native Craft way to do this by setting a new "attributes" key in the database config file. Unfortunately, Craft won't make a connection when I connect using this new method. I get the dreaded Craft can’t connect to the database with the credentials in craft/config/db.php error. My revised db.php looks like this:

$url = parse_url(getenv("DATABASE_URL"));

define(SERVER, $url["host"]);
define(USER, $url["user"]);
define(PASSWORD, $url["pass"]);
define(DATABASE, substr($url["path"], 1));

return array(
    'server' => SERVER,
    'user' => USER,
    'password' => PASSWORD,
    'database' => DATABASE,
    'tablePrefix' => 'craft',
    'attributes' => array(
        PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA     => CRAFT_CONFIG_PATH . 'rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem',

Not sure what could be going wrong here. Are there additional attributes that need to be set when doing this the Yii way?

  • You're saying your first examples works when modifying AppBehavior directly? Craft is passing the attributes config setting directly into $dbConnection->attributes just like you're doing: github.com/pixelandtonic/Craft-Release/blob/master/app/etc/…
    – Brad Bell
    Commented Oct 25, 2016 at 18:40
  • Any chance you need to set PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_KEY and PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CERT, too? dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/using-secure-connections.html
    – Brad Bell
    Commented Oct 25, 2016 at 18:42
  • When connecting to RDS it is recommended to use only use the ca cert. And I can confirm the connection works without the other keys since the first code block in AppBehavior can connect.
    – Leah Scott
    Commented Oct 25, 2016 at 20:19
  • I'm trying to think of other things that could be going wrong. Does PDO need to be escaped from the Craft namespace? I'm grasping at straws here.
    – Leah Scott
    Commented Oct 25, 2016 at 20:20
  • Good question... does \PDO:: work?
    – Brad Bell
    Commented Oct 25, 2016 at 20:35

1 Answer 1


Silly mistake. I forgot to update AppBehaviors.php to the newest release after moving the attributes logic to db.php:

$dbConnection = new DbConnection();

$dbConnection->connectionString = $this->_processConnectionString();
$dbConnection->emulatePrepare   = true;
$dbConnection->username         = craft()->config->get('user', ConfigFile::Db);
$dbConnection->password         = craft()->config->get('password', ConfigFile::Db);
$dbConnection->charset          = craft()->config->get('charset', ConfigFile::Db);
$dbConnection->tablePrefix      = $dbConnection->getNormalizedTablePrefix();
$dbConnection->driverMap        = array('mysql' => 'Craft\MysqlSchema');

// Support for Yii's $initSQLs
if ($initSQLs = craft()->config->get('initSQLs', ConfigFile::Db))
    $dbConnection->initSQLs = $initSQLs;
// See if we have any extra PDO attributes passed in.
if ($attributes = craft()->config->get('attributes', ConfigFile::Db))
    $dbConnection->attributes = $attributes;


After adding the new lines of code, I was able to connect :)

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