I have a site where am registering users via the front-end. I want to use email address as username and also want people to define their password on registration.
I have set the following in general.php
'useEmailAsUsername' => true,
'autoLoginAfterAccountActivation' => true,
'activateAccountSuccessPath' => 'register/success',
'verificationCodeDuration' => 'P1W'
However, when a user registers via the front-end - or I resend the activation link via the Control Panel - they are directed to a page/URL eg actions/users/verifyemail?code=XXXX&id=XXXX
and get the following error message:
Invalid verification code. Please login or reset your password.
Can't figure out why the verification code is not working. Any suggestions?
rather thanactions/users/verifyemail?code=XXXX&id=XXXX