This seems simple, but I cannot get it to render -- how do display a user's User Group? Assuming I set the user in segment 2:

{% set thePartner = craft.users.username( craft.request.getSegment(2) ) %}
This Is My User Group: {% ???? %}

1 Answer 1


The UserModel has a getGroups() function which:

Returns an array of UserGroupModel objects that the user belongs to.

Since a user can belong to multiple usergroups, you have to loop through the array containing them:

{% set thePartner = craft.users.username( craft.request.getSegment(2) ) %}

# Loop through array of UserGroupModels #
{% for group in thePartner.getGroups() %}
    # Print name of current UserGroupModel #
    {{ group.name }}
{% endfor %}

If you are sure the user only belongs to one group, you can fetch the first UserGroupModel from like this:

{% set thePartner = craft.users.username( craft.request.getSegment(2) ) %}

# Get first UserGroupModel #
{% set group = thePartner.getGroups().first %}

# Print name #
{{ group.name }}
  • 1
    Perfect, thank you -- that did the trick nicely. Commented Aug 2, 2014 at 18:24

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