According to the Contact Form plugin docs, I can do:
<input type="hidden" name="toEmail" value="{{ '[email protected], [email protected]' | hash }}">
That seems to work fine, but one of those email addresses I want to add dynamically. I've tried the following, but none seem to work, generally sending to just the second email address:
{# adding first email as var #}
{% set firstEmail = '[email protected]' %}
<input type="hidden" name="toEmail" value="{{ firstEmail ~ ', [email protected]' | hash }}">%}
{# adding first email as var and avoiding | hash #}
{% set firstEmail = '[email protected]' %}
<input type="hidden" name="toEmail" value="{{ firstEmail ~ ', [email protected]' }}">%}
{% set firstEmail = '[email protected]' %}
{% set emails = firstEmail ~ ', [email protected]' %}
<input type="hidden" name="toEmail" value="{{ emails | hash }}">
{# RESULT: <input type="hidden" name="toEmail" value="[email protected], [email protected]">#}
{# adding first email as var with extra quotes #}
{% set firstEmail = '[email protected]' %}
{% set emails = "'" ~ firstEmail ~ ", [email protected]'" %}
<input type="hidden" name="toEmail" value="{{ emails | hash }}">
{# RESULT: <input type="hidden" name="toEmail" value="e3a44b3632212521351d8d44af34742a63f6516e'[email protected], [email protected]'"> #}
Any ideas?