I have modified the code from this question but I'm running into an issue.

{% set allCats = craft.categories.group('blogCategories').level(1).find() %}

{% set catArray = {} %}

{% for cat in allCats %}

    {% set catArray = catArray | merge({(cat.id):craft.entries.relatedTo(cat).total() }) %}

{% endfor %}

{% set catArray = catArray|sort|reverse %}

{% for catId, count in catArray %}

    {% set category = craft.categories.id(catId).first() %}

        <a href="{{ category.url }}">{{ category.title }} <span>{{count}}</span></a>

{% endfor %}

Ive ran a dump on the catArray array and the category id isnt being set as the key, regardless of if I try put brackets around it to protect it, I only get the value in the array.

  • Did you try the code that I provided (totally untested from my side) in this other Q/A? Ohh and I think we should better close this thread here and "discuss" your problems over there...
    – carlcs
    Commented Jul 30, 2014 at 20:12
  • possible duplicate of Order tags by count - e.g. Top 10 Tags Used
    – carlcs
    Commented Jul 30, 2014 at 20:12
  • Sean, I wonder why I (and you too) put the cat.id in brackets? Actually no reason to do this..
    – carlcs
    Commented Jul 30, 2014 at 20:20
  • I don't think it's identical. The context is different and the issue I have hasn't been mentioned there. The reason you (and therefore I) have it in parentheses is due to how Twig treats keys. It does work when I use a category.slug as a key, but category.id does not want to work. Commented Jul 30, 2014 at 20:27
  • Yes not really completely a duplicate, but if you are running into problems those exact problems are laying in that other Q/A, too.
    – carlcs
    Commented Jul 30, 2014 at 20:30

1 Answer 1


If you encounter problems with assigning variables as the keys, what about putting all your values into objects?

{% set catObjects = [] %}

{% for cat in allCats %}

    {% set catObject = [
        { catId: cat.id, catCount: craft.entries.relatedTo(cat).total()  }
    ] %}

    {% set catObjects = catObjects|merge(catObject) %}

{% endfor %}

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