I am trying to bring image file sizes down as much as possible, but the images on the server turn out to be quite a bit larger than the same images I have saved locally.
For example, I have one local image that is 70KB. When I upload it into Assets it‘s 180KB. On the page itself it is being transformed like so:
{% set imgSize = {
mode: 'crop',
width: 960,
height: 450,
quality: 75,
position: 'center-center'
} %}
That transformed image on the page is then 208KB.
So rather than optimising file sizes as I thought it did, my set up is making the files 3 times larger.
I have checked the server with phpinfo, and I can't see Imagick installed, but GD v2.1.0 is.
What can I do to prevent the images from becoming larger?