I have 3 Matrix fields which define optional parameters for building a query:
- A related
field - A
field - A
Any combination of them could be used, including none or all.
So I need to build a relTo
array to pass into an entries query.
Given that the array might have a length of 1 or greater, it may or may not need an 'and'
Does that 'and'
have to be first?
I'm assuming it does, so I'm doing something like this:
{# Assume the field handles here exist as **block** fields and **entry** fields #}
{% set cats = block.relCats.all() ?? null %}
{% set rels = block.relEntries.all() ?? null %}
{% set tags = block.relTags.all() ?? null %}
{% set relArr = cats ? [{
targetElement: cats,
field: 'relCats'
}] : [] %}
{% set relArr = rels ? relArr|merge([{
targetElement: rels,
field: 'relEntries'
}]) : relArr %}
{% set relArr = tags ? relArr|merge([{
targetElement: tags,
field: 'relTags'
}]) : relArr %}
So now I have an array which could be empty or have 1, 2 or 3 elements, and which may therefore require an 'and'
, so I’m assuming I need to do something like this:
{# Build the relTo array #}
{% if relArr|length > 1 %}
{% set relTo = ['and'] %}
{% for el in relArr %}
{% set relTo = relTo|merge([ el ]) %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% set relTo = relArr %}
{% endif %}
{% if relTo|length %}
{% set entries = craft.entries.section(handle)
.relatedTo(relTo).limit(6).all() ?? null
{% else %}
{% set entries = craft.entries.section(handle)
.limit(6).all() ?? null
{% endif %}
Is this right, or is there a more elegant way to build the relTo
I'm also now wondering if I need the {% if relTo|length %}
conditional or if it's fine to pass an empty array into relatedTo
, because it will just get ignored. (I guess I can test that.)