Is there a way/workaround for using "duplicate" slugs?


  • shop.com/candy (category page with listing of candy's)
  • shop.com/about-us/candy (plain page with info about the production process etc)

Normally Craft will automatically generate for the second slug "candy-1".

1 Answer 1


Craft doesn't care what the individual slug of an entry is on its own, it looks at the whole path to see if there are duplicates.

Therefore having shop.com/candy and shop.com/about-us/candy shouldn't be a problem, provided the Entry URI Format has been setup correctly for your Sections.

It should take into account the slug of parent entries in generating their own. I use this:

{parent.uri ?? ''}/{slug}

  • Thanks Jamie for your reply! {parent.uri ?? ''}/{slug} did the trick
    – Romberto
    Commented Aug 14, 2019 at 9:01

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