I have a main structure as my navigation. Within this structure I have multiple image galleries. I want to make the image gallery's urls dynamic.
If I define a gallery within the structure entry:
The url of the images in the gallery (which is a channel) should be:
now I would like to have a route which catches all of the ?type=gallery entries and load the "gallery/_entry" template.
It shouldn't matter how deep in the structure the ?type=gallery is.
I don't seem to be able to do this within the CP, and I've never used advanced routing...
Any help appreciated!
Maybe I need to specify a little further:
I have a structure called "pages" which acts as the main structure.
I have a channel that is called "galleries" where I can upload images and assign a category.
In my main structure I can assign galleries from within a matrix block and choose a category. That way I can regroup multiple entries from the channel "galleries" in a structure entry.
The urls of the galleries should be completely dynamic:
https://mysite.com/sport/gallery holds multiple gallery entries where each of these galleries should have a url the following way:
https://mysite.com/sport/gallery/gallery2 ...
another gallery collection could be here:
whith links like that:
I know I could specify the entry url of one gallery the following way in the "galleries" section url settings:
{{ craft.entries.id(65).locale('de').first.uri }}/{slug}
where the id is the id of e.g. https://mysite.com/sport/gallery/ structure entry.
But that works only for one gallery.
I could create a route for "sport/gallery/*" and assign the "gallery/_entry" template to it. But that way I would have to create a route for every gallery, which is not completely obvious, nor intuitive on a editor's point of view.
In fact this is almost a duplicate of this question:
dynamic urls for channel/structure that's linked to the main structure