When conducting a proximity search, it's common practice to display a list of nearest locations, alongside a map displaying markers of nearest locations.
You may want each marker's info bubble to open when clicking on the text link.
You'll need a JavaScript function to handle opening the info windows.
function openInfoWindow(mapId, fieldHandle, entryId) {
// Prep to open info window
var markerName = mapId + '.' + entryId + '.' + fieldHandle;
var map = smartMap.map[mapId];
var marker = smartMap.marker[markerName];
var infoWindow = smartMap.infoWindow[markerName];
// Close all open info windows
for (var i in smartMap.infoWindow) {
// Open new info window
infoWindow.open(map, marker);
// Zoom to marker
var zoomLevel = 6;
smartMap.zoomOnMarker(mapId, markerName, zoomLevel);
When you loop through your entries to generate the results list, you can attach an onclick
event which calls your function.
{% for entry in allEntries %}
<div onclick="openInfoWindow('smartmap-mapcanvas-1', 'myAddressField', {{ entry.id }})">
<h3>{{ entry.title }}</h3>
<p>{{ entry.myAddressField.distance }} miles away</p>
{% endfor %}
For more information, check out the documentation for manipulating the map in JavaScript...