I'd like to Restrict access to Element API endpoint by the current user's group.
Is this possible Using Craft 2?
Yes it is you can see here how to check permissions
You can get the current user with
$currentUser = craft()->userSession-getUser();
Then you can check the same conditions like in the example link. If the conditions are false you can return an empty array instead of your endpoints
if(!$currentUser->isInGroup('groupHandle')) {
return [];
Please make sure to check if the current user is not null
your script out with a message. The clean way would be to create a custom route for each api endpoint and display the message in your controller
Jun 16, 2018 at 10:06
die('You cannot access this resource')
is exactly what I need for this. Thank you !!
Jun 16, 2018 at 10:33