I'm having a page that shows entries from two sections: news and events.

The page has the following layout:

All current event entries

  • Current event entry 1
  • Current event entry 2

All upcoming event entries

  • Upcoming event entry 1
  • Upcoming event entry 2

All news entries and all past event entries combined including pagination

  • News entry 1
  • Past event entry 2
  • Past event entry 3
  • News entry 4
  • News entry 5
  • Past event entry 6

To query the current events i use the following query

{% set entries = craft.entries()
  .startDate('<= ' ~ now|date('c'))
  .endDate('>= ' ~ now|date('c'))
  .orderBy('startDate asc')

To query the upcoming events i use the following query

{% set entries = craft.entries()
  .startDate('> ' ~ now|date('c'))
  .orderBy('startDate asc')

I have no idea how to query all the news and past event entries.

The query should include:

  • Query all entries from section news
  • Query all events from section events where entry.endDate < now
  • Sort all entries by post date
  • Limit to 9 and include pagination

I came this far with the query:

{% paginate craft.entries()
  .orderBy('postDate asc')
  as pageInfo, pageEntries

What is missing: checking the event entries to see if the endDate < now.

I can't just add .endDate('< ' ~ now|date('c')) to the query. That would hide all the news entries, ofcourse.

I did search and read a lot of posts on stackexchange. Couldn't find a solution.

Anyone that could help me with this?

  • Would it be an option to use PHP for it? Commented May 2, 2018 at 8:14
  • I would rather stick to Twig. But, how would you solve this with PHP?
    – Rinus
    Commented May 2, 2018 at 9:16
  • I would fetch the element ids with two separate queries and populate all elements in the end Commented May 2, 2018 at 9:37
  • Ah yes, ID's is the trick. Will post the solution below.
    – Rinus
    Commented May 2, 2018 at 10:42

1 Answer 1


Found the solution.

First get entries from section events as ID's and check endDate < now:

{% set eventsIds = craft.entries()
  .endDate('< ' ~ now|date('c'))

Then get entries from section news as ID's:

{% set newsIds = craft.entries()

Then merge those two together:

{% set entryIds = eventsIds|merge(newsIds) %}

Then paginate by id, set orderBy postDate and limit to 9:

{% paginate craft.entries()
  .orderBy('postDate desc')
  as pageInfo, pageEntries

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