I have a need to list a set of entries 9 at a time but with a random order.
The pagination happens via Ajax, with each next set of 9 entries loaded onto the page when the user clicks the "See more" button.
I'm fetching the entries with
{% paginate craft.entries({
section: 'customers',
limit: 9,
order: 'Rand()',
as pageInfo, pageEntries
then looping through the set and outputting as normal
{% for customers in pageEntries %}
<div>{{ customers.title }}</div>
{% endfor %}
and then adding a button to load the next set of results
{% if pageInfo.nextUrl %}
<a href="{{ pageInfo.nextUrl }}" data-page="{{ pageInfo.currentPage }}">See more</a>
{% endif %}
I thought I had this figured out but I'm seeing some duplication in the returned entries. Oddly it doesn't feel like there is enough duplication to make me think my method is wrong. From about 100 entries, showing 9 at a time I might see 1 or 2 duplicates at most.
If I remove the order: 'Rand()'
from my criteria then it all works fine (except obviously not in a randomised order).
Why am I seeing duplicates? If the randomisation was applied after 9 entries were retrieved then surely the first set of 9 would always be the same entries in random order. Likewise the second set, third set etc. Which isn't the case.
But if the randomisation is applied to the entire set of entries before the set of 9 is returned then why would there be duplications?
So I suppose the randomisation occurs on the full set every time and 9 entries are returned. But if this was the case surely I'd see more duplications.