I am working on a pagination for some articles. I am using a for loop to get the 3 pages after and before the current page .getPrevUrls(3) and .getNextUrls(3) So far it looks like this, where 35 is the last page and the black one is the current page.

enter image description here

The problem I'm trying to fix is when the current page is within the 3 page range .getNextUrls(3) of the last page.

enter image description here

How can I create an if statement to hide the dots and the last page if my current page is within 3 pages of the last one so that I don't get the last page number twice.?

Here's my current code

{% paginate craft.entries.section('mySection').limit(10) as pageInfo, pageEntries %}

{% for page, url in pageInfo.getPrevUrls(3) %}
  <a href="{{ url }}">{{ page }}</a>
{% endfor %}

<span class="current">{{ pageInfo.currentPage }}</span>

{% for page, url in pageInfo.getNextUrls(3) %}
  <a href="{{ url }}">{{ page }}</a>
{% endfor %}


<a href="{{ pageInfo.lastUrl }}">{{pageInfo.totalPages}}</a>

Thanks in advance.

  • Maybe I miss something but you have entriesPage.totalPages and you have pageInfo.currentPage why don't you just compare the numbers and if totalPages - currentPage is smaller than 3 you don't render the span and link Commented Nov 24, 2017 at 17:44

1 Answer 1


As I already wrote in my comment 3 days ago something like this should work

{% paginate craft.entries.section('mySection').limit(10) as pageInfo, pageEntries %}

{% for page, url in pageInfo.getPrevUrls(3) %}
    <a href="{{ url }}">{{ page }}</a>
{% endfor %}

<span class="current">{{ pageInfo.currentPage }}</span>

{% for page, url in pageInfo.getNextUrls(3) %}
    <a href="{{ url }}">{{ page }}</a>
{% endfor %}

{% if pageInfo.totalPages - pageInfo.currentPage > 3 %}

    <a href="{{ pageInfo.lastUrl }}">{{pageInfo.totalPages}}</a>
{% endif %}

[EDIT]: In the above script you will come across situations where the gap sometimes occurs between consecutive numbers, which can look silly.

Gap between consecutive numbers

Single page gap

To fix this you can add a little extra logic to it:

{% set amountVisible = amountVisible|default(2) %}
{% if pageInfo.currentPage > amountVisible + 1 %}
    <a href="{{ pageInfo.firstUrl }}">1</a>

    {% if pageInfo.currentPage == amountVisible + 3 %}
        <a href="{{ pageInfo.getPageUrl(2) }}">2</a>
    {% elseif pageInfo.currentPage > amountVisible + 3 %}
    {% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% for page, url in pageInfo.getPrevUrls(amountVisible) %}
    <a href="{{ url }}">{{ page }}</a>
{% endfor %}

<span class="current">{{ pageInfo.currentPage }}</span>

{% for page, url in pageInfo.getNextUrls(amountVisible) %}
    <a href="{{ url }}">{{ page }}</a>
{% endfor %}

{% if pageInfo.totalPages - pageInfo.currentPage > amountVisible %}
    {% if pageInfo.totalPages - pageInfo.currentPage == amountVisible + 2 %}
        <a href="{{ pageInfo.getPageUrl(pageInfo.totalPages - 1) }}">{{pageInfo.totalPages - 1}}</a>
    {% elseif pageInfo.totalPages - pageInfo.currentPage > amountVisible + 1 %}
    {% endif %}

    <a href="{{ pageInfo.lastUrl }}">{{pageInfo.totalPages}}</a>
{% endif %}

Now this added logic will do two things:

  1. If there is no gap, it won't render a thing.
  2. If the gap only amounts to one page it will render a page number instead.

This results in the following:

No more "useless" gaps

As an added bonus: if you add the amountVisible variable on top with a default value you can put this in a twig partial which you can then easily implement on the paged view like so:

{% include 'partials/pager' with { pageInfo: pageInfo, amountVisible: 3 } %}

(Note that passing pageInfo explicitly is not required, but I do it for the sake of completeness and to prevent accidental cleanups of "unused" vars.)

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