I'm basically having this problem Getting started with Order Adjuster plugin

I have the file plugins/carbonbalance/carbonBalancePlugin.php containing;


namespace Craft;

class CarbonBalancePlugin extends BasePlugin {

    ... usual standard plugin methods ...

    public function init()

    public function commerce_registerOrderAdjusters()
        return [
            new CarbonBalanceAdjuster


and then in plugins/carbonbalance/adjusters/carbonBalanceAdjuster.php I have


namespace Commerce\Adjusters;
use Craft\Commerce_LineItemModel;
use Craft\Commerce_OrderAdjustmentModel;
use Craft\Commerce_OrderModel;

class CarbonBalanceAdjuster implements Commerce_AdjusterInterface {

    public function adjust(Commerce_OrderModel &$order, array $lineItems = []){

    $myAdjuster = new Commerce_OrderAdjustmentModel();

    return [$myAdjuster];



But I get the following error message

Class 'Craft\CarbonBalanceAdjuster' not found

I understand this is most likely a naming issue, but I cannot see where I'm going wrong in that respect.

Update I think I have got past this problem by using;

public function init()


public function commerce_registerOrderAdjusters()
        return [
            new \Commerce\Adjusters\CarbonBalanceAdjuster

This appears to load the Adjuster, but shows other errors because I haven't yet completed the adjust method.

1 Answer 1


carbonBalanceAdjuster.php should be CarbonBalanceAdjuster.php since the name of the class is CarbonBalanceAdjuster and you're probably on a case-sensitive file system, which is why auto-loading can't find it.

The same goes for your other plugin files as well. You can use https://pluginfactory.io to generate boilerplate plugin code to help avoid case-sensitivity issues like this.

  • I'll give that a go, thanks. In the meantine, changing the registerOrderAdjusters method to use new \Commerce\Adjusters\CarbonBalanceAdjuster sorted it out.
    – foamcow
    Commented Sep 13, 2017 at 9:41

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