Is it possible to pull an image from another entry? It seems like it would be simple. I've read a lot of posts and documentation, and feel like I'm close...

{% set entries = craft.entries.slug('homepage') %}

{% for image in entry.podcastItunesImage %}
    <itunes:image href="{{ siteUrl }}{{ image.getUrl}}" />
{% endfor %}

Basically, I'm trying to put an asset field on the Homepage for a iTunes image.

1 Answer 1


Yeah, I think you are close, you've just go your variables a bit mixed up. You set entries, but then reference entry and I think getUrl should be called as a function getUrl() as it's not a property (it might work that way, I've never tried tbh)

{% set entry = craft.entries.slug('homepage') %}

{% for image in entry.podcastItunesImage %}
 <itunes:image href="{{ image.first.getUrl() }}" />
{% endfor %}

Oh I don't think you need {{ siteUrl }} when you call getUrl()

  • You don't need .getUrl() either. {{ image.url }} would work aswell. Commented Sep 8, 2017 at 8:16
  • Oh nice, good tip! Commented Sep 8, 2017 at 8:18
  • That didn't work. The results are empty. I may end up creating a template file just for the podcast, so I can have a little more control over it. Commented Sep 8, 2017 at 17:24
  • You probably need to do {{ image.first.url }} because image fields can hold multiple images.
    – Youniteus
    Commented Sep 12, 2017 at 9:14

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