When a user registers on my site, I am asking for their first, last, email and address.
I would like to be able to pass the data I already have along to commerce. So when I get to the /address
screen, as much of that form is already pre-populated.
I see this:
{% set modelName = modelName is defined ? modelName : 'address' %}
{% set model = address is defined ? address : null %}
So I (think) the ideal solution is to set the model to the user model. I will never allow guest checkout on this site, yet I want to keep as much flexibility as possible (not delete a bunch of stuff). So I gave this a shot:
{% if currentUser %}
{% set modelName = modelName is defined ? modelName : 'user' %}
{% set model = user is defined ? user : null %}
{% else %}
{% set modelName = modelName is defined ? modelName : 'address' %}
{% set model = address is defined ? address : null %}
{% endif %}
And I get this error:
Craft\UserModel and its behaviors do not have a method or closure named "businessName".
Which makes perfect sense - that's not in the user model.
I could go into the form filed and just set the values like this:
<input type="text" id="{{ modelName }}-firstName" class="form-control"
name="{{ modelName }}[firstName]"
value="{{ currentUser.firstName }}">
But is that going to lead to disaster? Thank you for any suggestions!