Or to say it in a different way, paginate siblings.

I found this question on stack: How do you page through child entries in a structure? which seems to have a working answer. However trying this myself I get no results.

To be clear, I have a two level structure.

Level 1 (parent)
 - Level 2 (child)
 - Level 2 (child)
 - and so on..

How can I paginate the children?

Thank you for any input!


1 Answer 1


There are many ways to paginate:

To show next / prev links

#1 getPrevSibling getNextSibling

{% if entry.getPrevSibling %}
    <a href="{{entry.getPrevSibling.url}}">{{entry.getPrevSibling.title}}</a>
{% endif %}

{% if entry.getNextSibling %}
    <a href="{{entry.getNextSibling.url}}">{{entry.getNextSibling.title}}</a>
{% endif %}

#2 getPrev getNext

{% set params = {section: entry.section.handle} %}
{% set prev = entry.getPrev(params) %}
{% set next = entry.getNext(params) %}

{% if prev %}
    <a href="{{prev.url}}">{{prev.title}}</a>
{% endif %}

{% if next %}
    <a href="{{next.url}}">{{next.title}}</a>
{% endif %}

To show list of children (single type page)

{% paginate %}

{% paginate craft.entries.section('sectionHandle').limit(10) as pageEntries %}

{% for entry in pageEntries %}
        <h1>{{ entry.title }}</h1>
        {{ entry.body }}
{% endfor %}

{% if pageInfo.prevUrl %}<a href="{{ pageInfo.prevUrl }}">Previous Page</a>{% endif %}
{% if pageInfo.nextUrl %}<a href="{{ pageInfo.nextUrl }}">Next Page</a>{% endif %}

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