I'm trying to query a range of entries and my results are not returning all the entries in the range I am trying to target. My situation relates to displaying data on a chart using the Craft ChartHelper class, but I'm not sure if this issue is specific to that situation or more general.
I believe Craft saves records to the database based on the UTC timezone. So if I'm in Los Angeles (UTC-7) and save an Entry on 2016-08-31 18:00:00
in Los Angeles, the dateCreated
value in the database will be 7 hours later in the UTC/GMT timezone: 2016-09-01 01:00:00
Now, I want to query all entries that happened in the month of August. The following, largely taken from the Craft Commerce chart codebase, gets me roughly what I need – entries that range over the month of August:
$startDate = DateTime::createFromString('2016-08-01', craft()->timezone);
$endDate = DateTime::createFromString('2016-08-31', craft()->timezone);
$endDate->modify('+1 day');
$criteria = $this->getElementCriteria();
$criteria->limit = null;
$criteria->search = null;
$query = craft()->elements->buildElementsQuery($criteria)
->select('COUNT(elements.id) as value');
The above code gets handed off to the ChartHelper::getRunChartDataFromQuery()
method which performs the query with this code:
$results = $query
->addSelect("DATE_FORMAT({$dateColumn}, '{$sqlDateFormat}') as date")
array('and', $dateColumn.' >= :startDate', $dateColumn.' < :endDate'),
array(':startDate' => $startDate->mySqlDateTime(), ':endDate' => $endDate->mySqlDateTime()))
->order($dateColumn.' asc')
While I get back a month's worth of entries, the query does not return entries that were saved after 5pm on August 31st in Los Angeles. I believe this is because the dateCreated
value in the database is actually on the following day, September 1st.
I would like to adjust this query to return entries from within the month of the timezone of the website – in this case Los Angeles.
Where do I need to adjust how the date values are being set in order to get back the right data?