I've got Email Service working correctly (http://buildwithcraft.com/docs/apis/emailservice) but what's the best way to include attachments when using this service?

Here's what I've got so far:

    $email = new EmailModel();
    $email->subject = "Thanks!";
    $email->htmlBody = "<h1>Congratulations!</h1";
    $email->htmlBody .= "<p>Hello World</p>";
    $email->fromEmail = "[email protected]";

I see there is $email->addAttachment but I'm not sure what variables to include to make it pass through the service.

Anyone have any examples?

2 Answers 2


The Contact Form plugin has an example of doing this.

$email->addAttachment($message->attachment->getTempName(), $message->attachment->getName(), 'base64', $message->attachment->getType());

The EmailModel->addAttachment() signature looks like this:

* @param string $path Path to the attachment.
* @param string $name Overrides the attachment name.
* @param string $encoding File encoding (see $Encoding).
* @param string $type File extension (MIME) type.

Which is just a thin wrapper for PHPMailer's addAttachment method.

  • I'm using $asset_url = craft()->assets->getUrlForFile($asset); and then $email->addAttachment = array($asset_url, 'plugin_name', 'base64', 'application/zip'); but it returns "Property "Craft\EmailModel.addAttachment" is not defined." Commented Jul 30, 2014 at 22:12
  • 2
    addAttachment is a method. use $email->addAttachment($asset_url, 'plugin_name', 'base64', 'application/zip');
    – Brad Bell
    Commented Jul 30, 2014 at 22:14
  • Once I change to $email->addAttachment() the entire function dies. If I remove it, it works. I'll send you a support note. Commented Jul 30, 2014 at 22:53

In craft/app/models/EmailModel.php the function docblock describes the params:

 * Adds an attachment from a path on the filesystem. Returns false if the file could not be found or accessed.
 * @param string $path Path to the attachment.
 * @param string $name Overrides the attachment name.
 * @param string $encoding File encoding (see $Encoding).
 * @param string $type File extension (MIME) type.
 * @throws phpmailerException
 * @return bool
public function addAttachment($path, $name = '', $encoding = 'base64', $type = 'application/octet-stream')
    $existingAttachments = $this->attachments;
    $existingAttachments[] = array('path' => $path, 'name' => $name, 'encoding' => $encoding, 'type' => $type);
    $this->attachments = $existingAttachments;

Is that what you're looking for?

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