I am able to listen to an event when the user checks the checkbox in the assets table. This is within my js file init file that extends garnish: Garnish.Base.extend
When the checkbox is selected, I see "checkbox clicked" in the console. The commented out in the function below is just to explain what I need to do when the checkbox is checked.
$('.elements:first').on('click', '.checkbox', function(event) {
if ($(event.target).is('#main .elements:first .checkbox')) {
console.log('checkbox clicked');
// if file kind == "Image"
// hide "View asset" from actions menu in the toolbar
// else
// do nothing
What I need to do is, when the user checks the box, I need to determine the file kind, using the data-attr kind, the html for that td cell is below.
<td data-title="File Kind" data-attr="kind">Image</td>
If it is an image, then hide the "View asset" from the menu dropdown that displays in the toolbar. (image attached)
The view asset has an id of: View-actiontrigger
I am having trouble accessing it as it does not exist when my code is firing on the checkbox click.