I'm looping through the rows of a table field and hoping to target a specific field entry based on the loop.index. Here's a simplified example of what that might look like:

{% for row in entry.table %}   
   {% set foo = entry.field ~ loop.index %}
{% endfor %}

The doesn't work, but I’m curious if I just have the syntax wrong or if I’m thinking about this the wrong way.

2 Answers 2


You can use the subscript syntax:

{{ entry['field' ~ loop.index] }}

or the attribute function:

{{ attribute(entry, 'field' ~ loop.index) }}

The attribute function is more Twig-like in my opinion. But in this case it's only a matter of preference.

Other examples are:

{{ myArray[0] }} vs. {{ myArray|first }}
{{ myString[0:1] }} vs. {{ myString|slice(0, 1) }}


Turns out Twig has a nifty little attribute function that does the trick. Here's how it works:

{% for row in entry.table %}   
   {% set foo = attribute(entry, 'fieldHandle' ~ loop.index) %}
{% endfor %}

Big hat tip to Mr. Brad Bell for posting the original answer in Stack Exchange.

  • You could also just use the subscript syntax: entry['field' ~ loop.index].
    – carlcs
    Commented Nov 6, 2015 at 19:18
  • @carlcs I thought there might be a simpler way to accomplish that. That works like a charm and, to me, is a more elegant answer. You should post it so I can vote for it! Commented Nov 6, 2015 at 21:33

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