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conditional does not run first in a file that is included using the extends feature for twig

I have this conditional included in a layout file I use within others, using the extends feature in twig.

This is at the very top of _layouts/application.twig

{% if not currentUser %}
    {% redirect "login" %}
{% endif %}

I have this at the very top of account/index.twig

{% extends "_layouts/application" %}
{% set name = currentUser.getFullName() %}

If the user is not logged in, I expect it to redirect the user to the login page, as it contains the if not currentUser conditional at the very beginning of the extends file: _layouts/application.twig

I then copied and pasted the if not currentUser code and placed it above the extends call within the account/index.twig file (like seen below):

{% if not currentUser %}
    {% redirect "login" %}
{% endif %}

{% extends "_layouts/application" %}

and it works as I expect it to.

Why does it not work with the if conditional being included in _layouts/application.twig file that I include by using {% extends "_layouts/application" %}

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