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Simpler way to code up a category conditional?

I've coded up conditional for categories. I'm still new to Twig and curious if there is a simpler way of coding the following. {% for feedItems in craft.entries.section('news').limit(null).offset(1)....
Tad Ward's user avatar
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How can I hide entries depending on which category they are associated with?

Right now, I have a staff profile page. Each person on the page has a category association (professional, leadership, student). When the students graduate, I want to add an 'alumni' category to their ...
Reilly Hawkins's user avatar
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Conditional to override a block

I apologize in advance if I am just overthinking this and missing something obvious (feels like I am). I have a situation on a category page where I am wanting to override a block in the document this ...
Megan's user avatar
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