Here is what i have done. Not sure if it helps you. I can't add comments. So here you go. This is based on geo plugin
Plugin serviceclass:
//to get local ele
private function getLocalElement()
$source = 'home';
return craft()->elements->getElementByUri($source);
//finds locale and redirect
private function redirectToLang()
if(in_array($value, craft()->i18n->siteLocaleIds)==1){
$localElementUri = craft()->elements->getElementUriForLocale($element->id, $value);
header('Location: '.$this->configBaseUrl().'/'.$value.'/'.$localElementUri, true, 302);
//browser lang
private function detectBrowserLang()
return $lang;
//detect country code by geo
private function detectCountryCode()
return $countryCode;
Basically checking browser lang and country code(geo) with craft locales.