I have a masonry type image grid layout and I need to specify a different image transform for just the 2nd and fourth images in this grid.

Does the image ID relate to the order or to the specific image? How could I include a conditional in my code to output the largeIndexHalf image transform for the 2nd and 4th image?

{% set asset = entry.portraits %}
{% if asset | length %}
{% for asset in entry.portraits %}
<div class="item"><img src="{{ asset.getUrl('largeIndex') }}" /></div>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

2 Answers 2


You could do that like so:

{% for asset in entry.portraits %}
    {% if loop.index == 2 or loop.index == 4 %}
        {% set transform = 'largeIndexHalf' %}
    {% else %}
        {% set transform = 'largeIndex' %}
    {% endif %}
    <div class="item"><img src="{{ asset.getUrl(transform) }}" /></div>
{% endfor %}

or more simply (making use of the containment operator (in) and the ternary operator (? :):

{% for asset in entry.portraits %}
    {% set transform = loop.index in [2, 4] ? 'largeIndexHalf' : 'largeIndex' %}
    <div class="item"><img src="{{ asset.getUrl(transform) }}" /></div>
{% endfor %}

To better understand, do you want transform for all even iterations on the array? If so, Twig's cycle function should do what you want:

{% set asset = entry.portraits %}
{% if asset | length %}
   {% for asset in entry.portraits %}
      {% set transform = cycle(['largeIndex', 'largeIndexHalf'], loop.index0) %}
      <div class="item"><img src="{{ asset.getUrl(transform) }}" /></div>
   {% endfor %}
{% endif %}


Rereading the question and Brandon's answer, I may have misinterpreted that you do indeed just want the 2nd and 4th image. I'll leave my answer for posterity for people looking to do an even / odd thing though.

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